A site for today's and tomorrow's needs

Cosmetics company Isadora experienced severe limitations with its previous site. To strengthen Isadora's digital positioning and make it easier to interact with its customers, Isadora chose to work with Bombayworks. The mission was to create a modern site that would make it easy to communicate with the company's users and to follow their consumer journey.



Insights & Optimisation

Design & UX

Full Stack Development

Quality Assurance

Content, Localisation & Roll-out

Product Owners & Project Managers


React, nodejs

Greater flexibility

A greater flexibility in working with the content and an opportunity to create quick campaigns was the most urgent thing before the new launch of the site. It would also secure Isadora's future ambitions with, among other things, a web shop and the ability to easily scale up to roughly 30 markets.

At the same time as we built the new communication platform, we developed a new graphic profile. Isadora, previously associated with dark colors, now moved towards a bright and fresh profile, with a widened target group in mind.

The Optimizely platform was chosen for its scalability – that it has excellent support for multiple languages ​​and webshops, but also because we could effectively connect Isadora's image bank supplier to Optimizely.

New tools during the pandemic

The new isadora.com site was launched in December 2019. This first version of the site has since been further developed in several stages. When the pandemic hit until shortly after the launch, there was suddenly an increased interest in trying products at home. Using AR technology (augmented reality) we built the Beauty Tool in which the user could try Isadora's products digitally, a solution that was built into the new site.


“The fact that we chose Bombayworks as a supplier was due to three reasons: broad experience, cost efficiency and proximity. We wanted a local supplier with close cooperation.""

Daria Ignatova, Isadora

Veronica von Feilitzen

Get in touch with Veronica

Do you want to know more about how we work? Contact Veronica von Feilitzen, CEO, to find out how we can help you with your digital journey.

Schedule a meeting with Veronica
Anna Frössén

Get in touch with Anna

Do you want to start a collaboration, discuss the digital mind of tomorrow, or do you have any questions about us? Contact Anna Frössén, Head of sales

Schedule a meeting with Anna