
Smarter logistics
in new customer portal for Ericsson

In 2019, we were commissioned to develop an application for Ericsson's customers for tracking and visualising complex orders and deliveries internationally.

Additionally, the project had a secondary agenda that really spoke to us: to train Ericsson employees in agile methodologies and to make the business more flexible.

An efficient digital solution

Ericsson are world leaders in communication technologies and bringing faster connections to consumers and businesses. Their large-scale 4G and 5G networks rely on myriads of base stations across vast geographical areas, and the logistics involved are significant. Historically, tracking deliveries of the components was handled in spreadsheets that were shared back and forth between involved parties. Bombayworks’ assignment, in close collaboration with a few select suppliers, was to develop a digital solution to streamline this administration. Our responsibilities included UX and UI design, front-end development for visualising Ericsson’s data, delivered by API from Qlik, and to manage the digital implementation.

The launch of the MVP was just the beginning

The application was given the name ECOD, Ericsson Customer Order Dashboard, and in true agile fashion, we were soon able to launch an MVP to select customers. Then began the work to improve the tool, and we worked tirelessly—sprint by sprint, in accordance with Scrum—to develop new features for the software. In close dialogue with end users, we fine-tuned the user experience, and less than a year after joining the project, we had launched the tool to clients in Sweden, Europe, Africa and the US.

Our recipe for success: a cross-functional team

Besides delivering a product of obvious value to the client, our main take away from the project—and a key factor in the success—was the close collaboration between stakeholders. Our team was truly cross-functional, with project managers, designers and developers from Bombayworks working closely with the product owner and business analysts at Ericsson and senior consultants from Qlik and Boston Consulting Group to create a product that we’re truly proud of.

Setting new standards for digital initiatives at Ericsson

In addition to the actual deliveries, we worked together with Ericsson and the other partners in the project to define new, agile ways of working and to set new standards internally at Ericsson for how future initiatives for digital platforms are approached. A couple of agile coaches joined us on this journey, and we were happy to be able to share our knowledge and experience in agile methodologies—and to become a part of Ericsson’s digital transformation.

The success has been considerable and today, more than 200 large international Ericsson customers use the solution. The tool helps them keep track of their deliveries and to secure project timelines, and in doing so, contributes to rollout of even better cellular networks and services across the globe.



Design & UX

Front-end development

Project management


Qlik Sense



Veronica von Feilitzen

Get in touch with Veronica

Do you want to know more about how we work? Contact Veronica von Feilitzen, CEO, to find out how we can help you with your digital journey.

Schedule a meeting with Veronica
Anna Frössén

Get in touch with Anna

Do you want to start a collaboration, discuss the digital mind of tomorrow, or do you have any questions about us? Contact Anna Frössén, Head of sales

Schedule a meeting with Anna