Our test strategy gives the best
possible software
Customer satisfaction and trust don’t come easily; therefore, producing reliable products is essential. We do this by uncovering and destroy small and nasty bugs and vulnerabilities that could ruin the end experience.
“No software ever produced started as foolproof and bug-free, without first being thoroughly tested and adjusted to meet the required levels of reliability. That's where our test team steps in - they test what the developers build, break it and then help them fix it"
Faiza Ansari, Head of Test
The quality of the software is, before we hand it over to you, in the hands of our testers. Luckily for you, Bombaywork's Quality assurance team is well-experienced.
With the dot-com boom, software applications became highly accessible to large groups of people. That put two broad challenges on software industries: 1. To produce low-cost products quickly and 2. To deliver reliable, usable and safe products. When reaching point 2, the need for professional testers suddenly became quite urgent. Testers as a professional group barely existed. Since then, the business has caught up!
We always put ourselves in the customer's shoes to check if the product fills the needs of the people who will use it. We also perform non-obvious test cases that put the software in different conditions, often where it never intended to go. Quite often, it breaks into pieces. Then we hand it over to our developer colleagues, who fix the bug. Then we break it again. Then…
Review - Revise - Recall
Our path to high-quality products goes like this:
Review: Testing throughout the life cycle is a core pillar for software quality. It ensures that requirements are met, and bugs are fixed before it goes live.
Revise: Note what has worked well throughout the software life cycle. Utilise this data to see if your software quality can improve further.
Recall: Lessons learned from previous projects/sprints. This improves processes by understanding the root causes of bugs found in other projects, preventing them from reoccurring.
What we offer
Test strategy
Test plan and estimation
Test cases and test data
Test summary report
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Sometimes, it’s just that last puzzle piece missing. But we can help you! Our digital consultants can help your fantastic in-house team perform even better.
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