Research &
market insights
for conversion

Are you really sure that you know what your website visitors are looking for? Since you have been in the business for a long, long time, you probably are. But what if solid data tells you differently?

Karin Vikström

Our analytics team help clients navigate in an uncertain world that is digital analytics post GDPR, post Schrems II and post Google Analytics Universal. But what we really love to do is to deliver those golden insights that lead to actions and measurable growth for the clients."

Karin Vikström, Head of Insights & Optimisation

Every business wants its investments to pay off as much as possible. Period. For any investment online, there are three great ways to make sure that the digital budget delivers. They are spelled analysis, SEO and strategy.

Lets rely on numbers

Our analysts dive deep into your business data so you can work data-driven - i.e. to stop guessing and instead rely on numbers. Instead of letting us set up a new shiny web page with roughly the same content as before, we make sure that we set up a new shiny web page after thorough analysis of what your users want and with a future digital strategy. Through a KPI workshop we do together, we discover your service's main goals and establish measurable targets. And with data in hand, our design team can create the ultimate user experience that boosts conversion rates.

We deliver conversions

Our current state analysis helps you identify both strengths and areas for improvement, while our traffic and behavior analysis helps you dive deep into how visitors interact with your website. By setting up a KPI framework and a measurement plan, we can ensure that your goals are clear and measurable. We implement and review tracking techniques to provide you with accurate data, and our conversion analysis focuses on improving user experience and increasing conversion rates. User surveys provide direct feedback from your visitors, and our dashboards help you make informed decisions.

The data we collect is central to all our work, whether it concerns strategy, design, development, or copywriting. Once your website is optimized and launched, we continue to monitor and improve it. We are with you every step of the way to ensure your website continues to perform at its best.

SEO with the user in focus

All search engines love good content on a website, and so do its visitors. But they need to be able to find it. Attractive metadata and good content are fantastic, but to achieve the expected conversion, the service must be designed with the user's habits in mind.

Learn more about how we work with SEO here.

What we offer


Current situation analysis

Traffic & behavior analysis

KPI framework & Measurement plan

Tracking implementation

Technical audit of tracking

Conversion analysis

Conversion optimisation

Experimentation (e.g. A/B test)

Evaluation of market efforts

User surveys

Market analysis

Dashboards (Data visualization)


SEO audits

Keyword analyses and content analyses

Link strategy

SEO training and support

Reporting and follow-up

Tailor-made assignments

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We power up
your team!

Sometimes, it’s just that last puzzle piece missing. But we can help you! Our digital consultants can help your fantastic in-house team perform even better.

Let's solve that puzzle
Veronica von Feilitzen

Get in touch with Veronica

Do you want to know more about how we work? Contact Veronica von Feilitzen, CEO, to find out how we can help you with your digital journey.

Schedule a meeting with Veronica
Anna Frössén

Get in touch with Anna

Do you want to start a collaboration, discuss the digital mind of tomorrow, or do you have any questions about us? Contact Anna Frössén, Head of sales

Schedule a meeting with Anna