With a passion for words and order
Olof Broddesson's journey from journalism and editing to his current roles at Bombayworks reflects his devotion for storytelling and digital. As both a copywriter and project manager, he combines creative language skills with goal oriented project management.

Who are you?
– I am a former journalist and editor, and I’ve spent many years in various newsrooms. My passion for words and order has guided my career, leading me to my current roles as a copywriter and a project manager at Bombayworks.
What work here are you most proud of?
– As a copywriter, I can be really satisfied with individual words or phrases I've created long before a delivery is completely finalised. I’m a word geek, yes. On the project management side, I remember how great it felt when we launched our 150th brand site for Orkla.
What is your favourite memory from Bombayworks?
– It's hard not to think of any of the great conference trips we attended during my years here. Besides that, I’m happy about the many nice people I’ve met, both clients and colleagues.
What do you, with your competence, contribute with on the client side?
– I’m keen on details and fact-checking. I’ve written headers and texts for various audiences in different media and can quickly adapt to a client's needs.
Are you in need of someone like Olof for your business? Please get in touch.

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