Brand Evolution and Digital Strategy in Swedish Brewing

Association Sveriges Oberoende Småbryggerier (FSOS's), established in 2008 by twelve innovative breweries, represents a powerful voice in the Swedish microbrewery scene. Growing to encompass 80+ member breweries, they've enhanced beer culture from Luleå to Smygehuk. We aided their journey by refining their brand identity, launching a user-centric digital hub, and crafting a dynamic communication strategy.

Sveriges Oberoende

Visit site


Naming strategy

Identity design

A tailored brand strategy

Together with Oberoende Svenska Småbryggerier, we created a brand and communication platform tailored for FSOS. A platform intended to not only serve the association's current needs but also serve as a guiding beacon for its future initiatives. Central to its design is the intention to be both educational and straightforward. That ensures that FSOS' aims are effectively communicated to a broader audience, strengthening its reach and impact within the beer industry. FSOS gained a unified voice and identity.

The new website is the central hub for all activities

A modern and user-friendly website was developed. The website serves as the main hub for all FSOS activities, news and updates. A responsive design ensures accessibility on different devices.

A mix of digital and traditional marketing

A communication strategy was developed with a focus on engaging the association's members and the public. It uses a mix of digital marketing techniques and traditional methods to maximize reach and engagement.

Swedish beer culture is enhanced through uniform communication

The collaboration between FSOS and Bombayworks resulted in a streamlined brand identity and a robust communication platform. It improved the association's visibility and commitment, ensuring their mission to promote and strengthen Swedish beer culture. FSOS can now reach and influence a wider audience.
Veronica von Feilitzen

Get in touch with Veronica

Do you want to know more about how we work? Contact Veronica von Feilitzen, CEO, to find out how we can help you with your digital journey.

Schedule a meeting with Veronica
Anna Frössén

Get in touch with Anna

Do you want to start a collaboration, discuss the digital mind of tomorrow, or do you have any questions about us? Contact Anna Frössén, Head of sales

Schedule a meeting with Anna